Using a Freeze Dryer to Seal Mason Jars

Mason jars are renowned for their reliability in preserving foods due to their airtight sealing capability. Here’s a brief introduction on how you can leverage your Stay Fresh Freeze Dryer to effectively seal mason jars, extending the shelf life of your freeze-dried foods without any additional equipment.

Preparing Your Freeze Dryer:

To use your freeze dryer for sealing mason jars, start by removing the shelf unit to clear space in the chamber. Unplug both the heating wire and heat sensor wire from the shelves. If the sensor wire is disconnected, the freeze dryer will typically signal an error, expecting the connection for normal operations. To bypass this for jar sealing, connect the probe to the heat sensor wire. This tricks the machine into functioning without errors. Note: This workaround should only be used for sealing mason jars.

Creating a Flat Surface:

Place an empty tray at the bottom of the chamber to create a stable, flat surface for the mason jars.

Sealing the Jars:

  1. Fill your mason jars with the freeze-dried food and loosely place the airtight lids on top.

  2. Position the jars on the tray inside the freeze dryer.

  3. Ensure the vacuum and drain valves are closed, then close the door.

  4. Turn on the freeze dryer, navigate to the ‘Functions’ screen, open the motorized ball valve by pressing the ‘Valve Closed’ button, and then start the vacuum pump by pressing the ‘Pump Off’ button. This process creates a vacuum inside the chamber, effectively sealing the jars.

  5. After approximately 6-8 minutes, stop the pump by hitting the 'Pump On' button and the 'Valve Closed' button. Allow air come into the chamber by opening the vacuum valve.

  6. Open the door, and your mason jars should now be sealed. Test the seal by gently lifting the jar by the lid to ensure it holds securely. Then, screw on the out ring to fully secure the lid.


Sealing mason jars using a freeze dryer is a straightforward process that utilizes the machine's capability to create a vacuum. This method is an efficient way to ensure your freeze-dried food remains fresh and protected, leveraging the tools you already have to enhance food preservation.

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Patrick Ridler


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